My primary responsibilities together with my board colleagues include:
Implementing strategy, providing leadership and ensuring obligations to shareholders and other stakeholders are understood and met.
Providing a creative and informed contribution and acting as a constructive critic in looking at the objectives and plans devised by the executive team.
Ensuring that there is an effective system of internal control in place, including ongoing and continuous monitoring and reporting of any compliance and reputational issues.
Make sure that the management of risk (market, credit, liquidity and operational) is conducted in accordance with applicable law and regulatory requirements.
Ensuring the board agenda provides appropriate information to facilitate discussion at the right level by the board, and additionally is forward-looking with an emphasis on strategic and oversight issues.
Tracking and challenging the performance of executive management, especially with regard to progress made towards achieving the company strategy and objectives.
Promoting a culture of openness and debate by ensuring constructive relations between all board members
Monitoring financial information and reviewing the overall financial condition of the company and its position as a going concern.
Reviewing major developments in business support lines.