My primary duties together with my board colleagues include:
Support the Chairman and the Executive team in upholding high standards of integrity and ethical leadership and in instilling a risk aware, high performance culture that extends beyond the Board and into the organisation as a whole by consistently demonstrating and promoting behaviours aligned with the Company’sculture and values.
Bring independent judgement and wide experience to bear on issues of strategy, performance and resourcing, including key appointments and standards of conduct.
Provide leadership within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enable risk to be effectively assessed and managed.
Use specialist knowledge to help provide the Board with valuable insights, particularly in relation to investment, operational, risk and compliance, governance and valuation matters in the life cycle of complex PERE and infrastructure funds.
Ensure that the Company continues to adhere to all statutory, regulatory and self-regulatory responsibilities and applicable law.
Bring a degree of objectivity and impartiality to the Board’s deliberations and play a role in monitoring Executive management.
Provide a creative contribution to the Board by providing objective critique.
Provide general counsel and a different perspective on matters of concern and objective critique as required.
Supply advice or guidance on any issues prior to having these raised at Board meetings.
Spend time to refreshing and increasing own knowledge and skills.